Northfield is found 7 miles South of Birmingham city center, UK, and is a suburb of the city on the A38 main road South to Bristol. The village was mentioned in the Domesday book as Nordfeld. Please leave your comments underneath. Comeback soon & enjoy visit here.

Parsons Ltd (wood yard)

Mr. W.B. Parsons Wood yard, now Northfield Shopping Center. Always had a windmill in the yard. Church Road junction of Bristol Road South. Date 1960's?. Mr Parsons was the organist at the Methodist Church, the old timber one (opp Black Horse) for many years, his Sons carried on the the business over the road.


  1. It was W B Parsons son, Norman, who was the organist. He gave me piano lessons. W B Parsons was my Great Uncle

    1. Thanks for the correction Bob. Pianos were the ipods of their day, lol
